April 1st and spring cleaning is on my mind. I located a list this morning that gave me a run down on tasks to do to arrive to the "daisy fresh" surroundings of my home and garden likened to the daisy my little granddaughter is showing in the picture. Coincidentally, our pastor spoke on spring cleaning in his message this morning, as well. He wasn't addressing my house, but my spiritual life. I appreciated this message, because it began to prepare my heart for the holy week ahead, culminating in celebration of Easter Sunday. Pastor Greg spoke about Jesus making the entrance on Palm Sunday on a donkey. Even though Jesus was hated and rejected by the religious people of His day, He still was able, in His entrance on a donkey (fulfilling bible prophecy) to be received by the crowd of people as they would have received a king, by setting out palms before Him. Yet, even as they cheered, and paid tribute to Him,their concept as their king was a victor, not a victim. Hence, a week later, seeing Jesus as a victim, they would cry out, "Crucify him!" -- They could no longer accept as king one who was scorned and trampled upon. So, the portrayal of spring cleaning-- essentially, going through every room and every drawer in the house on a physical level, only encourages me to do the same in my spiritual life. This is cumberson, requires lots of work, and is downright painful. It causes me to think of those areas where I may be storing "junk", for example, a critical spirit, unforgiveness, or other things. Yet, the trade-off of doing such spiritual spring cleaning is receiving all that the Lord has for me. The thought of a 'daisy fresh' spirit gives me the encouragement and drive to begin spring cleaning today!
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