My sister (pictured in the center) and I were talking the other day, and remembering back in the day. Particularly, we were laughing about her insistent need to collect. This manifested in her childhood. Ceci was "assigned" a drawer in our hall for her belongings. Filled in that drawer were; rocks, pieces of paper, odds and ends and whatever she deemed "valuable".
Ceci is still a collector today-- only of more valuable things-- swizzle sticks (she has over 300), anything cobalt blue; but I think the collection that is the most impressive is that of friends. Ceci has not let go of her childhood friends, friends in her teens; and I am always impressed when she can recount where each of her friend is today. It's that trait in Ceci that I've always admired-- she sees the value in items and people that other people overlook. No matter if all her friends are friends with each other-- Ceci has a talent to be a friend to all. I have learned a great deal from my kid sister. The most valuable lesson is to be who you are, and accept others for what they are; seeing the beauty of the differences in others, and allowing the eclectic collection of friendship to add grace and beauty amongst us.
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