Sending off my vote for the presidential election via absenteeism ballot made me think of how much things have changed over the years. It used to be that there was only one way to vote years ago-in person, on the first Tuesday in November, between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., at your designated precinct.
Not so these days, and I admit, I've come to enjoy the convenience of casting my vote ahead of time. Today, I saw on the news that the actual voting and registration for voting can be done at a make-shift drive through.
I had to smile as I thought of the drive through restaurant applied to the voting... "I'd like to order a McCain with a side order of Pallin.." or "Give me the number 4- The combination Obama/Biden."
The next thing you know, you'll be able to text your vote-- kind of like voting for your favorite celebrity on 'Dancing with the Stars'. I think I'll limit my drive-through ordering to a Double-Double at In-n-Out.
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