Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lasting Impressions

Just reflecting on this past weekend, and two words sum it up..."lasting impressions."
The last 72 hours have been memorable for me~
It began on Friday afternoon when I attended the retirement reception of a former work associate. Although I no longer work with her, I hold Ms. Jackson in high regard. She has always been a superb professional, and a truly caring person. Furthermore, not only was I privleged to work with her, but now my daughter has shared the same privlege. At her retirement reception, Ms. Jackson was surprised to learn that for the last year, her pre-school assistant, Trisha is my daughter. She expressed a high regard for my daughter's strong work ethic, and pleasant disposition with the pre-school children in their department. Ultimately, this represented an emotional passage for me. Although I've retired from the school district, what an honor that my daughter should choose this career path, and work with many of my dear friends and colleagues!
Yesterday, I enjoyed visiting with a former neighbor and sister in Christ during a 'divine appointment' at our local grocery store. There we were, in the bread aisle, reminiscing about our children playing together on our 'kid friendly' block. We caught up on the present in both of our lives, renewed our friendship, and exchanged contact information so we may continue to stay in touch. Later that same day, an evening with my husband, sister, and brother-in-law was delightful, as we dined together, and strolled the beautiful coastline of San Diego.
Finally, Sunday afternoon, our family's reunion committee met in our home. What fun we had laughing and planning our upcoming summer event.
These are times that make me realize how blessed I am to have such wonderful family members and friends. What a lasting impression this leaves on my life.

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