Christmas Eve 1974- Ama is in center flanked by husband, children, in-laws and grandchildren (pic taken by big bro Auggie)
August 12, 1925, Juanita Romo Alba was born in Mexico. She was soon to have a difficult life as her mother, (also named Juanita) at the age of 26 died a couple of days after giving birth to her first little girl. Ama (mom) was raised by her father Ignacio, who married 5 years later. The stepmother passed away 7 years later, and Ama held the fort down-- cleaning, cooking and caring for her younger brother, Jesus. My grandfather married again, and a couple of years later, Ama married Francisco Mora Lopez on Nov. 13, 1943.
The couple migrated from Jalisco to Baja Californinia in 1944. My dad (Francisco or Pancho) met his father, Augustine for the first time. He had been raised by his paternal grandparents, never knowing his father or mother. In 1953, the young couple with 4 children and one on the way immigrated to the United States- arriving to La Verne, CA where Apa's 'Tio Salvador' lived. Apa and Ama worked hard to purchase their own home in 1957. By this time, they had 6 children- Augustine (Auggie), Josephine (Josie), Maria (Mary), Ofelia (Ophie), Ruben, Graciela (Gracie), and Ramon Ezekiel (Zeki). Cecilia (Ceci) Maria would follow in 1960.
Ama did wonders with the meagor income they had. She remained at home while her children were young. Later, when the youngest children were in grade school and the older girls could babysit, she went to work for a local nursery, specializing in making cuttings of bare root roses. Needless to say, Ama's yard was filled with flowers and plants. She loved gardening and tending to canaries and wild birds she would nurse back from near death.
Ama and Apa moved from La Verne to Riverside, CA in 1992 to be closer to family. Ama passed away on January 17, 1999 at the age of 73 of a massive heart attack.
We (her kids) miss her every day. She was a beacon in times of darkness, reflecting her faith of her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Her 3 sons and 5 daughters agree that Ama's legacy is in
Proverbs 31:28~ "Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her."
Proverbios 31:28~ "Levantaronse sus hijos, y llamaronia bienaventurada; Y su marido tambien la alabo."
Happy 88th Birthday, Ama.