The last day of August is tomorrow. Have you ever noticed that August is the most uneventful month of the year? It has no holiday in it, or any significant recognition. Yet all other months have attachments: September- Labor Day; October- Halloween; November- Thanksgiving; December- Christmas; January- New Year's Day; February- Valentine's Day. Even March and April usually host Easter. May comes with Mother's Day and Memorial Day Weekend, June with Father's Day, and July - 4th of July.
People keep trying to stick August with holidays - like Friendship Day. But clearly, nobody wants another holiday having to complicate life. August is just August- a month to stretch, or do nothing, if desired. Also, it's a month to brace ourselves for the beginning of fall, which very much resembles a new year, seeing that school starts over again and so does a much more crowded schedulue.
Thank goodness for months like August. We definitely need a break from so much to do.