Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Choosing at Christmas

Christmas brings out the best in people, and unfortunately, the worst.

I refer to all the goodness and generosity I see around me in dozens of cases. Sadly, I also hear about the terrible things, such as a Salvation Army volunteer robbed of the donations, and the stampede of shoppers at a store entrance killing a security officer, and not even being stopped by this tragic event.

I'm reminded today, this moment, that we all make choices of what we do during this season. Age has taught me well to know that it's not in the big things, but even the smallest gestures of kindness that we make differences in other people's lives. So I choose today, to be patient, no matter how long the line may be; smile at someone who may need encouragement today, and to be watchful in my attitude and how I react, even to those who are stressed, tired, and emotionally racked, because I don't know what difficult situation they may be in. But God knows- and I remember that it's His character I need to remember in all my dealings--not only throughout the Christmas season-- but every day of the year.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

So here we are again, dragging out the boxes full of Christmas past...ornaments, Christmas cards and decorations. How fast these years go!

It's a shame that so much emphasis is placed on the material and not so much on the spiritual. Yet, this is really what the season is all about...

The birth of Jesus and more important his death on the cross, and resurrection is the ultimate gift of life-- one that will never end.

So, yes, it's fun to see the shining lights, enjoy the laughter of the children as they open gifts, and their excitement fills the chilly air. Coupled with the true meaning of the Christmas season, it gives us peace and joy.

Monday, December 1, 2008

'Tis the Season...

It's begun...pulling out the boxes of Christmas' past...strings of lights that get tangled just by looking at them...rushing and rushing...hoping to move faster than the counted days to Christmas Day with "x" number of items to complete.

But after it's all said and done, the wallets empty, and the weight gained, there is the satisfaction that smiles were exchanged with friends and neighbors, that we were able to reach out to those who hurt, and that Christmas is more than commercialism.

You just have to look for the good things of the season, and ruthlessly discard the rest. Have a special Christmas Season!!